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AI Visual Gun Detection Moves to the Forefront in Active Shooter Protection

Last month, the U.S. Surgeon General, Dr. Vivek Murthy, issued a new advisory stating ...
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Specialization Matters: Ensuring Safety with AI Visual Gun Detection

Your family doctor is a great resource for routine healthcare and initial diagnosis but ...
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Why Monitoring of AI Gun Detection Alerts Should be Your Choice

With so many schools, hospitals, shopping centers and other businesses adopting AI visual ...
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80% of School Shootings Happen Outside of the Building – Align Your Security Program with the Threats

Recent data from the K-12 School Shooting Database sheds light on an important factor in ...
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Security Experts Discuss AI Gun Detection in New ZeroNow Webinar

Speakers from US Dept. of Homeland Security, Active Shooter Prevention Project and ...
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2022 Gun Violence Statistics

2022 showed an increase in the number of gun violence events and mass shootings compared ...
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Transforming Surveillance Systems with AI Active Shooter Detection

There are approximately 70+ million security cameras installed throughout the U.S. today ...
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Preventative Technology for Gun Violence and Mass Shootings

This week, I was honored to sit on a panel hosted by ZeroNow, an organization dedicated ...
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I Almost Lost My Mom to an Active Shooter

The following is a true account from an employee who joined Omnilert to support our ...
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COVID-19 and the Active Shooter Threat

One of the byproducts of the pandemic and the associated lockdown has been less in-person ...
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Officer Interview: How AI Can Help First Responders

We recently had the opportunity to interview retired police sergeant, Carl Orsi, ...
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Omnilert Partners with Axis to Improve Campus Security and Safety

Leesburg, Va. – April 13, 2021 – Omnilert, the innovation leader and most trusted partner ...
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