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AI Visual Gun Detection Moves to the Forefront in Active Shooter Protection

Last month, the U.S. Surgeon General, Dr. Vivek Murthy, issued a new advisory stating ...
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Omnilert Gun Detect Wins 2024 AI Breakthrough Award

The emergence of AI visual gun detection technology has become one of the most ...
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Specialization Matters: Ensuring Safety with AI Visual Gun Detection

Your family doctor is a great resource for routine healthcare and initial diagnosis but ...
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Customer Service is Key to Great AI Visual Gun Detection

In the past few years, multiple AI visual gun detection technologies have been announced ...
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AI Visual Gun Detection Protects Higher Education from Gun Violence

In a recent BestColleges survey, 65% of students interviewed said that school shootings ...
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AI Visual Gun Detection Helps Keep Healthcare Workers and Patients Safe from Active Shooters and Gun Violence

According to an insurance industry report, active shooter incidents in hospitals have ...
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Seeing Beyond the Frame: Video Enhances Gun Detection Intelligence

Learn why a video clip can make all the difference in real time situational analysis AI ...
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The Truth about AI Training: Organic Data vs. Synthetic

Organic Training Wins Everyday Over Synthetic and Hybrid Approaches In the high-stakes ...
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Transforming Surveillance Systems with AI Active Shooter Detection

There are approximately 70+ million security cameras installed throughout the U.S. today ...
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Preventative Technology for Gun Violence and Mass Shootings

This week, I was honored to sit on a panel hosted by ZeroNow, an organization dedicated ...
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Omnilert Desktop Alert Wins Best New Product 2021 in Campus Technology

It’s exciting to see yet another award come in, this time for our major new release of ...
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Comparing Visual Gun Detection and Other Mitigation Strategies

Omnilert recently published a 20-page white paper on visual gun detection, noting the ...
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