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Customer Service is Key to Great AI Visual Gun Detection

In the past few years, multiple AI visual gun detection technologies have been announced and we are all in favor of using the best technology to solve the deadly incidents of active shooters. But we have found that most people usually compare each offering in terms of technology features alone and one key factor that often gets overlooked is the importance of great customer onboarding, service and support.  Sure – the technology has to be superior because not even the best customer service and support can change that, but lack of it can certainly impact the outcome of even the best technology. That is why at Omnilert we consistently go above and beyond to make sure our customers are as successful as possible. And this starts before a customer signs up and goes on long after they start the process of implementing our AI visual gun detection technology into their existing cameras.


Setting Customers Up for Success

Before Omnilert even contracts with a customer, we make sure they have the right infrastructure to support a deployment of AI visual gun detection technology. We are not going to sell a product unless we know it will work well for the customer and that includes a wide variety of considerations - from the cameras they currently have installed to where they are located.

One key advantage to Omnilert Gun Detect is that it runs on existing cameras already in place at a facility. All that is needed is for the camera to be connected to the network (which most already are.)   Because Omnilert is built on an open platform, our technology integrates with these cameras seamlessly, enabling customers to start deploying AI visual gun detection capabilities quickly and easily.  Customers can be up and running in no time and our support teams are always on-hand to consult with them on optimizations and ways to maximize their existing infrastructure as well as future investments.

Onboarding: We Got You Covered

At Omnilert, we don’t just check a box and walk away once we have a customer signed up to use our system. Our onboarding process is extensive, and we ensure customers have a dedicated resource to reach out to at all times during the process. In fact, it’s one of the things our customers and even security resellers have repeatedly told us makes us stand apart from competitors. As Michael Kapolka, Superintendent of the Chelsea School District in Michigan, explained in a recent case study,

“From the initial phone call to the implementation, follow up and training, Omnilert has been phenomenal. Any time we had a question or an issue, an Omnilert team member was immediately available to us, which is something you don’t find from many companies.”

Omnilert also provides significant support during the initial training phase when a company starts running our system for the first time. Not surprisingly, the software learns its new environment – and it’s incredibly good at learning from experience as well as mistakes. If the system erroneously identifies an object for the first time, we work to add this into our training data, so it’s corrected for future. This close collaboration and constant learning is what constantly improves our accuracy. It’s also another way we help the customer set themselves up for success!


20 Years of Customer Service… and Going Strong

While AI visual gun detection is still a fairly new technology, Omnilert as a company is not. As a 20-year veteran of the security industry that pioneered Emergency Mass Notification Systems (EMNS), we’ve had more than two decades to fine tune and perfect our customer service and support. In fact, in 2023, we doubled our channel partner network to provide customers with local, customized sales and support including evaluation, installation, testing and deployment. Our goal is to make sure every potential and existing Omnilert customer is well taken care of so that they can be successful in protecting their facilities from gun violence and active shooter threats. At the end of the day, that is what matters most and it’s a commitment we make to every single customer.


To learn more about Omnilert technology, refer to these resources: