Integrating your emergency notifications with any and every communication channel possible is paramount. Digital signage is a common technology found on college and corporate campuses, and should be utilized during emergencies to not only be sure those already registered to receive text messages and emails are informed, but to also inform all visitors and those who are not registered.
Industry Weapon, an Omnilert partner, allows safety teams to automatically update emergency alerts and content on digital signage more quickly and easily. In the past, hardware and software compatibility challenges were often in the forefront of our minds. However, with the advancements in emergency notification and digital signage solutions, the focus can now be on how easy it is to keep your people more informed and safe through the integration of the two technologies.
Towson University recognized this need and the importance of integrating the two technologies to reach as many people as possible to fulfill their vision of multimodal communications. They easily integrated Industry Weapon with Omnilert to display emergency notifications all over campus and can easily choose the content and visuals they wish to display during any critical event. The integration was routine for Industry Weapon and Omnilert.
To learn more, read the Towson University Case Study.